Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So I am not going to lie, I have read Twilight a few times before this class. Although it is a cheesy storyline and the writing is very simple, its still a nice book to read before falling asleep at night (not because its boring but because of how easing of the mind it is). I am not going to lie though, I like Harry Potter soooo much better.


Thought this picture was funny though. The same author also did this one:

Fanfiction is great because it opens up your eyes more. I never thought to compare the two girls but, for those who read Harry Potter, Hermione is truly a better role model for girls.
I also think fanfiction is a good creative writing strategy or a way to get kids to write more. It not only shows they read the story, but also lets them put their own take on it, which will connect them more to the novel. It can also make a classic more modern.

The article on censorship surprised me. Saying that "To Kill a Mockingbird," is bad because the word RAPE is used several times? Seriously people. I read that book in ninth grade and I still love it. Though this one is my favorite: "National Geographic: "Nudity and sensationalism, especially in stories on barbaric foreign people."Hmmm, or maybe that is their culture and we should learn about it and respect it? I understand how it is difficult to novels for a large group of kids because not everyone has the same maturity level, but I also feel that it is unwise to take away something that is potentially important to their learning.


  1. It's always strange to me to hear the reasons why books (and magazines) end up on the banned books list. They range from utterly ridiculous to moderately logical, however, it does make teachers and librarians pause and question what they are willing to push the limits for. I am much more likely to push for Harry Potter than for Twilight in the classroom, but that's just my opinion.

  2. I love the illustration! Hermione is DEFINITELY the better role model for girls. She really has that intelligence and drive to succeed, whereas Bella reinforces gender roles and stereotypes. Yeah, she's gutsy, but only for the boys. She (SPOILER!) puts herself in danger (New Moon) to see Edward's face and hear his voice. Her whole life is for HIM now, which is pretty lame. Even when she stands up to him, it's only so she can sleep with him. Nice, Bella. Way to go, Meyer.

  3. Absolutely loved the cartoon strips as well. How clever. I found myself cheering Hermione on! I too would rather teach Harry Potter to adolescent readers. While I am aware of some of the gender stereotyping in Harry Potter, I felt much more assaulted by it in Twilight.
